In memory of Jeff Stark, CCL HI Maui

Jeff Stark passed away on October 23, 2023. He was a passionate supporter of carbon cashback who wrote letters, made presentations and mentored others. You can watch 2 presentations by Jeff. Scroll through past presentations to the final 2 - A presentation by Jeff Stark of the Maui Chapter to Lahaina Sunset Rotary Club and A presentation by Jeff Stark of the Maui Chapter to The Environmental Justice Committee of Oahu Faith Action.

We gave Jeff a gratitude card in April 2022. Below are the thank yous from the card.

Citizens Climate Lobby Hawaii

Aloha Jeff,

We are sending these notes and pictures in appreciation of your contributions to CCL, the environment, and our planet.

Thank you Jeff for enriching our lives and bringing laughter and joy to our work for Citizens' Climate Lobby. Thank you for the contributions you made to CCL from tabling to making presentations to writing letters and for inspiring us with your leadership and friendship.

WIth Appreciation - CCL Hawaii including

Maui - Molly Whitely, Mark White, Bobbie Best, Zoe Whitney, Barry Solomon, Carol Cam, Doug Hagan, Keith Neal

Oahu- Paul Bernstein, Susan Gorman-Chang, Jaymen Laupola, Sara Bower, Virginia Tincher

Hawaii Island - Noel Morin, Ron Reilly

Kauai - Helen Cox

Molly and Adam Whitely - CCL Maui

Aloha Jeff,

We miss you! We sharing this to appreciate your contributions to CCL, the environment, and our planet. You've inspired many with your examples presentations, media contributions, leadership, and comradeship.

I'm sending a photo of you, Adam and me, taken in May, 2021. We hope to be back soon for another visit.   

In the meantime, sending Much Love from

"Ms. Molly" and Adam

Mark White - CCL Maui

Aloha Jeff, 

Your many accomplishments continue to amaze me.  After a lifetime of working to rally large audiences to protect our environment, even when it wasn't trendy, you managed to do it yet again with Citizens' Climate Lobby.  You brought the CCL message to the broader Maui and Hawai'i community and tirelessly supported efforts to build our capacity, educate the public and influence our public leaders to support a price on carbon and a household dividend.  Working with you on these and other environmental projects over the last 30 years has been one of the great pleasures in my life. And through it all your sense of humor was relentless.  As you might say, "are you the person to whom I'm speaking?"  We love you, Jeff!

Mark White

Zoe Whitney - CCL Maui

Dear Jeff,

I loved presenting information on a carbon fee and dividend to community groups with you. We made a great team. You have the charisma of a car salesperson (which is ironic because we're "selling" the idea of fewer cars 😄). My dad works at a car dealership, so comparing you to a car salesperson is a high compliment in my eyes. I still think of your tips when public speaking. Thanks for sharing stories about your life outside of CCL. I specialized in digital media and journalism in high school, so the anecdotes about your work in communications were such a treat to hear! Also, the way you glowed about your grandkids was heartwarming and reminded me to call my grandparents.

Mahalo nui loa, Zoë Whitney

Paul Bernstein, CCL HI Honolulu - Oahu

Aloha Jeff,

Thank you for all you did to set up the speaking engagements.  Wish that we had more time together so that I could learn from you.  I love your personable style and your delivery of a clear message.  You were a good mentor; too bad, that I'm not as good of a student.  Thank you for sharing your sense of humor and jokes.  I will forever remember to "stay positive and test negative."  Peace be with you my friend.

Take care,


Noel Morin, CCL Hawaii Island

Aloha, Jeff.

We sincerely appreciate your contributions to our community, the environment, and the planet. You've inspired many with your tireless work, leadership, and comradeship.



Virginia Tincher, CCL Honolulu - Oahu

Aloha Jeff,

Thank you for all of your sage advice about print media in Maui and for your very effective letters to the editor.  It was always helpful to have you at the CCL Hawaii meetings.



Jeff’s last letter to the editor - The Maui News

MAY 8, 2021

I was delighted this week to see that President Biden has decided to join us in our pledge to reach a 30 percent reduction in global greenhouse gases by 2030. 

This action puts the U.S. firmly in its once-abandoned leadership position in the global fight to beat the most serious threat our species has ever faced.

The president has put the power and knowledge of the nearly 200,000 volunteer members of the Citizens Climate Lobby on everyone’s side. This powerhouse organization supports the recently reintroduced Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (EICDA; H.R. 2307) in the U.S. House of Representatives. 

Should the House act quickly on this bill, we will have the ability to continue our lobbying activities and make several giant steps toward our global goal. This goal has enlisted millions of legislators, academics and political leaders at the local, national and worldwide leadership level.

If passed in its current configuration, EICDA will not achieve net-zero emissions, but will put us on the path, and it, with other policies, can get us to net-zero. The result? No more carbon-induced global climate change.

We don’t call it Citizens Climate Lobby for nothing. By uniting, rising and educating we can all be a part of the most ambitious citizen action of our lifetimes.

Join today! Go to or call 283-8167.

Jeff Stark, Kahului


Big Oil ‘support’ of Carbon Pricing


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